Willman on Hoddle-Selwyn map
One of the inspiring aspects of the Castlemaine Art Museum is its context: the wealth of artists and other experts in the region.
Over many years geologist Clive Willman has volunteered his services to CAM identifying, cataloguing and interpreting geological items in the collection. Working with co-curator Jenny Long, Clive brought his prodigious knowledge to articulate a particularly fruitful vein through the art and museum collections for the exhibition

Stonework is an exemplary exhibition drawing together science and art through seemingly disparate aspects of the collection from CAM's historical First Nations stone tools, 19th and 20th Century painting; geological specimens, and contemporary art.

One of the most intriguing works exhibited is the Hoddle-Selwyn map on loan from the Geological Survey of Victoria. Visually engaging and remarkable for its historical significance the map is nevertheless hard to read on the gallery wall. For this reflection, Clive Willman has created a video illuminating its importance to the settlement of the goldfields as well as evidence of First Nations management of country. Click the link to view the video:
Clive Willman
August 2024